New food labelling law

New food allergy labelling laws have recently been introduced to the UK. How do the new laws affect the work of catering companies?

The new European laws say caterers must provide information on any of the allergens used as ingredients in foods supplied to clients and must:

1. Send a form to fill for each order.

2. Give staff training.

3. Display the contained food allergens on labels.

Below is a useful table of the 14 allergens and some things to look out for:

PeanutslabelLook out for:
peanutsGround Nuts Beer nuts Monkey nuts Nut meat Arachis oil Kernels Mandelonas Peanut proteinPeanut oil Peanut butter Hydrolisedplant/vegetable protein Cake, pudding, cereal bar Marinades Dressings Sauces – satay, enchilada, gravy, Chilli Fenugreek


NutslabelLook out for:
nutsAlmonds Walnuts Pecan Brazil Cashew Macadamia Pistachio Pine Nuts Nut OilChocolate spread Nut butter Chocolates Salad dressings BBQ sauce Pesto Cerials Crackers Desserts Baked goods


Cereals containing GlutenlabelLook out for:
cerealsWheat Durum wheat Semolina Spelt Kamut Eincorn Faro Barley Rye OatBread Baked goods Baking mixes Pasta Crackers Cereals Condiments Chocolates Sauces


MilklabelLook out for:
milkCasein Whey Lactoalbumin Lactose Lactulose Lactoferrin Lactoglobulin Milk protein hydrolysateMilk Milk powder Buttermilk Butter Ghee Yoghurt Cream Ice Cream Cheese Custard


SesamelabelLook out for:
sesameBenne Benne Seed Gingelly Gingelly oil Sesame seeds Sesame oil Bread Crackers Toasts Dips Hummus Chutney Tahini butter Dressings Marinades Soups Sauces


Soy/SoyalabelLook out for:
soySoy flour Soya Milk Soya nuts Soy oil Soybean Soy protein Textured vegetable protein Edemame Bean curd Tofu Vegetable starch Vegetable gumSoy milk Soy oil Soy sauce Tamari sauce Teryaki sauce Miso Bean sprouts Canned tuna Surimi 


Sulphur Dioxide (sulphites)labelLook out for:
wineE220 -228 Potassium bisulphite or metabisulphite Sodium bisulphite Dithionite Metabisulphite Sulphiting agents and sulphurous acidCooking wine Juices Canned frozen and dried fruit Tomato puree/pulp/vinegar Colourant in some meat 


MolluscslabelLook out for:
 moluscosOysters Snails Squid (calamari) Scallops Mussels Clams and cocklesEthnic Food Soups Sauces 


MustardlabelLook out for:
MustardMustard seed Mustard leaves Mustard flour Mustard oil Sprouted mustard seeds Mustard powder  Sausages and processed meat products Spice mixes Marinades Soups Sauces Chutney Ketchup Piccalilli Salad dressing Indian food


CelerylabelLook out for:
celeryCelery salt Celery stalk Celery leaf Celariac Celery seed Vegetable juice Spice mixes Curry Soup Marmite Bouillon Processed meat products Sausages Prepared Salads Savoury snacks


FishlabelLook out for:
fishAnchovy Bass Cod Sardine Haddock Plaice Pollock Salmon Tuna Turbot WhitebaitSalad dressing NumPla Worcestershire Sauce Barbecue Sauce Soups Pizza Dips Gelatine Relishes Flavourings


Lupin (EU common)labelLook out for:
 lapinoLupine Lupin flour Lupin seed Lupin bean Baked goods Pastries Waffles Pancakes Pasta Vegetarian meat substitute


CrustaceanslabelLook out for:
lobsterShrimp Prawns Crab Crayfish Lobster Pealla Chinese products Prepared sauces Soups Fried rice Fish paste NumPla


EggslabelLook out for:
eggsAlbumen Conalbumin Dried and powdered egg Globulin Livetin Lysizyme Ovobumin Ovomucin Ovotransferrin Slico-albumate VitelinMeringue Mayonnaise Pasta Marzipan Marshmallow Salad dressing Tartare Sauce Hollandaise Cakes and baked products Egg glazed pastry Some ice cream Some custard

Client responsibilities - they must:

• Send their allergy requirements to you.

• Check the food chosen with the waiting staff (e.g. hidden allergen ingredients, such as nuts, milk, eggs, etc).

• To be aware of likely dishes which contain their allergens - e.g. Thai food, Indian or Lebanese.

• Obtain information regarding possible cross contamination.

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